// File MIT-Lab-18-E2-00-02.txt. Edition 5/15/2012. // Title Consistent_Estimation_Procedures // List of Population Proportions .1 .9 .1 .5 // List of Sample Sizes 1_2_3_4_10_16_25_50_100_200_400 // List of From Bounds - Decimals 0.000 1.000 .025 .45 // List of To Bounds - Decimals 0.000 1.000 .025 .55 // List of From Bounds - Integers 0 -1 1 -1 // List of To Bounds - Integers 0 -1 1 -1 // Problem Specs // ActFrac // SampleSize // PauseCheckbox(-1 checked 0 cleared) // NonRandomSampleCheckbox(-1 visible unchecked, 0 not visible, 1 visible checked) // To-FromValues(0 hide, -1 reset values to none, 1 leave current values intact) ` .5 16 0 1 1 2. Nonrandom Sampling Procedure: _ Leave Clint's dorm room and ask the first T individuals encountered if he/she supports Clint and record the answer (T equals the sample size). _ Calculate the fraction of the sample supporting Clint. ` The Nonrandom Sample box is checked; hence the nonrandom sampling procedure will be used. As in problem 1, the sample size equals 16, the actual fraction supporting Clint, ActFrac, equals .5, and the From-To values are specified as .45 and .55. Click the Start button and then after many, many, repetitions click Stop. What percent of the repetitions fall within .05 of the actual fraction, ActFrac?