// File MIT-Lab-18-04-01-04.txt. Edition 5/15/2012. // Lab Specs // Window Title Unbiased_and_Consistent_Estimation_Procedure:_Any_Two // Option (0 Normal, 1 Auto, 2 Heter, 3 X-e correlation, 4 Measurement, 5 Consistency (Is this used?) 0 // Constant List 40 60 10 50 // Coefficient List -2.0 6.0 2.0 2.0 // iListVarErrors 50 500 150 500 // iListSamples 3 250 1 5 // iListSamplesAutocorrelation 3 50 1 40 // iListSamplesMeasurement 3 50 1 5 // iListXMinima 0 10 10 0 // iListXMaxima 20 30 10 30 // strListFromCoef -1.0 4.0 .5 1.0 // strListToCoef 1.0 6.0 .5 3.0 // strListRho -.9 .9 .3 .0 // strListHeter -2.0 2.0 1.0 .0 // strListCoefXAndError -.9 .9 .3 .0 // iListXMeasErrVar 0 100 50 0 // Problem Specs // SampleSize // PauseCheckbox (-1 checked, 0 cleared) // EstType (0 Error, 1 Constant, 2 Coefficient) // ErrorVar // ConstValue // CoefValue // xMinValue // xMaxValue // ErrTermCheckbox (0 not visible and unchecked, -1 visible and checked, 1 visible and unchecked)) // VarEstAndFromTo (-1 VarEst visible, 0 nothing visible, 1 From-To visible) ` 3 0 2 500 50 2 0 30 0 0 Objective: Illustrate that the Any Two estimation procedure is unbaised and consistent. _ Note that the Act Coef radio button is selected. _ Focus your attention on the drop down box just above the Start button. This is the Procedure drop down box. Select the Any Two estimation procedure. _ Note that the Act Coef radio button is selected. ` 1. Be certain that the Any Two estimation procedure has been selected. Initially, the sample size is specified as 3. Click the Start button and after many, many repetitions click the Stop button. _ 1a. What does the mean of the coefficient estimates equal? _ 1b. What does the variance of the coefficient estimates equal? ` 2. Increase the sample size from 3 to 6. Click the Start button and after many, many repetitions click the Stop button. _ 2a. What does the mean of the coefficient estimates equal? _ 2b. What does the variance of the coefficient estimates equal? ` 3. Based on these results, is the Any Two estimation procedure ________3a. unbiased? ________3b. consistent?