// File New-Lec4-02-04-03-03. Edition 7/14/2010. // Lab Specs // Window Title Autocorrelation // Option (0 Normal, 1 Auto, 2 Heter, 3 X-e correlation, 4 Measurement, 5 Consistency (Is this used?) 1 // Constant List 40 60 10 50 // Coefficient List -2 6 2 2 // iListVarErrors 50 500 150 500 // iListSamples 3 250 1 5 // iListSamplesAutocorrelation 3 50 1 40 // iListSamplesMeasurement 3 50 1 5 // iListXMinima 0 10 10 0 // iListXMaxima 20 30 10 30 // strListFromCoef -1.0 4.0 .5 1.0 // strListToCoef 1.0 6.0 .5 3.0 // strListRho -.9 .9 .3 .6 // strListHeter -2.0 2.0 1.0 .0 // strListCoefXAndError -.9 .9 .3 .0 // iListXMeasErrVar 0 100 50 0 // Problem Specs // SampleSize // PauseCheckbox (-1 checked, 0 cleared) // EstType (0 Error, 1 Constant, 2 Coefficient) // ErrorVar // ConstValue // CoefValue // xMinValue // xMaxValue // ErrTermCheckbox (0 not visible and unchecked, -1 visible and checked, 1 visible and unchecked)) // VarEstAndFromTo (-1 VarEst visible, 0 nothing visible, 1 From-To visible) ` 30 0 2 500 10 2 0 30 0 -1 Objective: Show that when autocorrelation is present, the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimation procedure is not BLUE, the ordinary least squares estimation (OLS) procedure is not the best linear unbiased estimation procedure. _ The generalized least squares (GLS) is better because the variance of the coefficient estimate's probability distribution is less. ` 30 0 2 500 10 2 0 30 0 -1 By default, the rho value is .6. Autocorrelation is present. _ 1. Click Start button and then after many, many repetitions click Stop. What is the variance of the coefficient estimate's numercial values? _ (in the "Var" line under "Coef Est") ` Focus on the drop down box below the Act Coef list. Change the estimation procedure from ordinary least squares (OLS) to generalized least squares (GLS). _ 2. Click Start and then, after many, many repetitions click Stop. When the GLS estimation procedure is used, what is the variance of the coefficient estimate's numercial values? _ (in the "Var" line under "Coef Est") ` 3. In which estimation procedure, OLS or GLS, is the variance smaller? Why is this important?