// File New-Lec2-02-01-01-04.txt. Edition 7/21/2010. // Lab Specs // Window Title Distribution_of_Coefficient_Estimates // Option (0 Normal, 1 Auto, 2 Heter, 3 X-e correlation, 4 Measurement, 5 Consistency (Is this used?) 0 // Constant List 40 60 10 50 // Coefficient List -2 6 2 2 // iListVarErrors 50 500 150 500 // iListSamples 3 250 1 5 // iListSamplesAutocorrelation 3 50 1 40 // iListSamplesMeasurement 3 50 1 5 // iListXMinima 0 10 10 0 // iListXMaxima 20 30 10 30 // strListFromCoef -1.0 4.0 .5 1.0 // strListToCoef 1.0 6.0 .5 3.0 // strListRho -.9 .9 .3 .0 // strListHeter -2.0 2.0 1.0 .0 // strListCoefXAndError -.9 .9 .3 .0 // iListXMeasErrVar 0 100 50 0 // Problem Specs // SampleSize // PauseCheckbox (-1 checked, 0 cleared) // EstType (0 Error, 1 Constant, 2 Coefficient) // ErrorVar // ConstValue // CoefValue // xMinValue // xMaxValue // ErrTermCheckbox (0 not visible and unchecked, -1 visible and checked, 1 visible and unchecked)) // VarEstAndFromTo (-1 VarEst visible, 0 nothing visible, 1 From-To visible) ` 3 -1 2 500 50 2 0 30 0 0 Objective: Show that the simulation is calculating the mean and variance of the numerical values correctly. _ 1a. Click Start. What is the numerical value of the coefficient estimate for the first repetition? Record its value. _ 1b. Click Continue. What is the numerical value of the coefficient estimate for the second repetition. Record its value. Calculate the mean of the two coefficient estimates. Calculate the variance of the two coefficient estimates. Is the simulation calculating the mean and variance correctly? ` 1c. Click Continue again. What is the numerical value of the coefficient estimate for the third repetition. Record its value. Calculate the mean of the three coefficient estimates. Calculate the variance of the three coefficient estimates. Is the simulation mean and variance of the coefficient estimates correctly?