// File MIT-Lab-24-02-05-02.txt. Edition 1/22/2013. // Party Data 0 1 0 1 // Income Data 100 450 550 900 // Slider Constant and Coeffcient -4.0 -0.0 0.05 -2.0 .002 .006 .0001 .004 ` 1. Initially, the constant is -2.00. Using its slider, change the constant to observe how the probability that the first state votes Republican, the second Democratic, the third Republican, and the fourth Democratic is affected. What value of the constant maximizes the probability. _ 2. Using the constant slider to return its value to -2.00. Initially, the coefficient is .0040. Using its slider, change the coefficient to observe how the probability that the first state votes Republican, the second Democratic, the third Republican, and the fourth Democratic is affected. What value of the coefficient maximizes the probability. _ 3. Try various combinations of the constant and coefficient. What values of the constant and coefficient maximize the probability that first state votes Republican, the second Democratic, the third Republican, and the fourth Democratic is affected. What are the maximum likelihood estimates for the constant and coefficient.