// File MIT-Lab-18-E2-00-02.txt. Edition 1/21/2013. // Title Consistent_Estimation_Procedures // List of Population Proportions .1 .9 .1 .5 // List of Sample Sizes 1_2_3_4_10_16_25_50_100_200_400 // List of From Bounds - Decimals 0.000 1.000 .025 .45 // List of To Bounds - Decimals 0.000 1.000 .025 .55 // List of From Bounds - Integers 0 -1 1 -1 // List of To Bounds - Integers 0 -1 1 -1 // Problem Specs // ActFrac // SampleSize // PauseCheckbox(-1 checked 0 cleared) // NonRandomSampleCheckbox(-1 visible unchecked, 0 not visible, 1 visible checked) // To-FromValues(0 hide, -1 reset values to none, 1 leave current values intact) ` .5 16 0 1 1 2. Nonrandom Sampling Procedure: _ Leave Clint's dorm room and ask the first T individuals encountered if he/she supports Clint and record the answer (T equals the sample size). _ Calculate the fraction of the sample supporting Clint. ` The Nonrandom Sample box is checked; hence, the nonrandom sampling procedure will be used. As in exercise 1, the sample size equals 16, the actual fraction supporting Clint, ActFrac, equals .5, and the From-To values are specified as .45 and .55. Click the Start button and then after many, many, repetitions click Stop. ` 2a. What does the mean of the estimates equal? _ 2b. What is the magnitude of the bias? _ 2c. What does the variance of the estimates equal? _ 2d. What percent of the repetitions fall within .05 of the actual fraction, ActFrac?